2019 Election Campaign set to flag-off

According to INEC’s timetable for the 2019 general elections, campaigns for national elections will kick off on Sunday, 18th November, 2018. State elections, which comprise Governorship and State House of Assembly elections will have its campaigns kick off on 1st December. These kick off dates will see Nigeria in full blast campaign, preparatory to national elections on February 16, 2019 and State level elections on March 2, 2019. Nigerians expect that the campaigns will be an opportunity for them to know those seeking to occupy the soon-to-be vacant positions of President, Vice President, National Legislators, Governors, Governors’ Deputies and State Legislative positions. Citizens expect that persons campaigning to fill these positions will justify through their campaigns, what they intend to do should they win elections. It is expected that the campaigns will afford citizens the opportunity of knowing the candidates and that they will make voting decisions based on the credentials of those seeking their votes.

Civil Society Organisations and election observers have indicated a preparedness to keep tab of the campaign promises made by candidates with a view to holding them to the promises made. It is also expected that candidates will make themselves available and ready to debate among themselves, in order for citizens to have a good understanding of what they represent.

INEC’s current figures indicate that 79 Presidential candidates and over 6,000 National Assembly candidates will be contesting the 2019 General elections.

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