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YOUTH-VOTE 2015 ELECTION BLOG-ZONE | Every Monday | THE CABLE | Blogging for Change

What is YOUTH-VOTE 2015 (YV2015) Blog-Zone?

YOUTH-VOTE 2015 (YV2015) Blog-Zone is a peer-based network of 7 Nigerian bloggers united by friendship-driven and interest-driven civic engagement activities across the web. Among other objectives, the YV2015 Blog-Zone seeks to expand access to civic information and promote accountability in Nigeria’s electoral processes through synergistic blogging, capacity building and web-based learning activities.

Join the YV2015 Election Bloggers, every Monday, on THE CABLE  where their weekly blog posts will provoke new thoughts and fresh conversations around the 2015 elections.  Because they are all bloggers, popular peer leaders, respected voices and online crowd-pullers, they will utilize their weekly blog posts to drive civic learning and rouse the political conscience of the nation as the election year approaches.

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Who are the YV2015 Blog-zoners

Drawn from all of Nigeria’s vast geo-political units, YV2015 Blog-Zoners exploit the shifting landscape of media and communications in which youth are central actors, to provoke peer conversations and democratic debates grounded in actual contexts and local priorities of the youth populations across the country. They capitalize on the potential of the learning opportunities available through online resources and networks to provide rudimentary information that imbue voters with the knowledge and confidence to directly engage political office aspirants, demanding answers to hard questions that matter to the citizens especially the youth: how they will use natural resource revenues to create jobs; improve learning infrastructure and educational standards and bring about developmental and economic progress to all Nigerians.

What will they blog about?

YV2015 bloggers are young, accomplished professionals pooled from diverse disciplines such as petroleum, law, medicine, journalism, communication arts and economics, whose writings draw both from empirical material and their expertise in engaging different sectors of the economy. Together, they will blog about topical issues that precedes and transcends actual voting on Election Day.

Watch out for: Elections and the Economy (Tope Fasua) | Elections and Oil Sector Reforms (Samuel Diminas) | Elections and the People (Gimba Kakanda) | Elections and Diaspora Voters (Ruona Agbroko-Meyer) | Politicians vs. The Electorate (Soni Akoji) | Elections and Women Participation  (Bucky Hassan) | Elections and the Political Accountability (Victoria Ibezim-Ohaeri)

To read the profiles of the YV2015 Blog-Zoners, please clickhere:

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