Commencement of Voting:
At the commencement of voting, the PO shall:
• Invite the voters on queue to approach the poll clerk (PC) in an orderly manner.
• On presentation of voter’s card, the PC shall:
• Check appropriate cuticle thumbnail of the voter and when he is satisfied that the person has been duly accredited:-
– Tick the voters’ register on the right hand side of voter’s name.
– Indicating that he has been accredited.
– Apply indelible ink on the cuticle of the voter’s appropriate thumbnail.
– The Poll Assistant (PA) shall apply ink to the next finger of the respective hand
– For voters who have no Right/Left hand, the PA shall:
– Apply the ink to the corresponding toes of the voter’s Right/Left foot.
– For voters who have neither fingers nor toes:
– Ink shall be applied on the corresponding toes of the persons assisting them.

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