Nigerian Army under fire for shooting at IMN members

Members of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria have had several protests in the Federal Capital Territory, requesting the release of their leader, Sheikh El-Zakzaky who has been incarcerated for over two years, against several court orders granting him bail.
The group had announced that it would carry out a protest in Abuja from the 28th to the 30th of October, 2018. However, the peaceful protest went sour when the group encountered soldiers of the Nigerian Army, who began to shoot at them and other individuals in the course of an altercation.

In a statement issued on the 30th of October, 2018, Situation Room condemned the conduct of the Nigerian Army in its attempt to contain the disruption that ensued from the protest.

The details are as follows:

The Nigeria Civil Society Situation Room is concerned about the ongoing protests by the Islamic Movement of Nigeria in Abuja and some other parts of the country and the killings arising from these protests. Of particular concern is the apparent use of live bullets by the Nigerian Army in quelling the protests.

The right to peaceful protest is enshrined in the Nigerian Constitution, which guarantees citizens the right to free expression. It is disturbing to see Nigerian security officials shoot at crowds of protesters and passers-by indiscriminately and without any effort to use reasonable force to stop disruptive activities of unarmed citizens.

Situation Room calls for an immediate investigation of the actions of the armed forces and its conducts during these protests. Situation Room is also calling for the withdrawal of soldiers from the scenes of these protests and for the police to live up to its responsibility of containing civil demonstrations and protests and to only use reasonable force.

Situation Room also urges the Islamic Movement of Nigeria to carry out their protests peacefully in recognition of the rights of other Nigerians.

Situation Room also calls on President Muhammadu Buhari and the Federal Government to immediately respect and obey subsisting court orders and release from custody, Sheikh Ibrahim El Zakzaky, leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria.

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