One Month gone, No Ministers, Government in Place

With more than four months gone since the conduct of the 2019 General elections and one month since inauguration as President on 29th May 2019, President Muhammadu Buhari is yet to constitute a Government. The semblance of limited governance going on at this time are few roll over appointees that are continuing to work despite the requirement of reappointment under a new tenure. In President Buhari’s first term, he failed to constitute a Government six months into his swearing in. Observers attribute the quick down turn in the economy to this delay and indecisiveness. Nigerians are apprehensive that the inactivity in government may further worsen what is evidently a very difficult economic and political environment in the country. When he delayed to appoint Ministers in 2015, President Buhari was reported to have said that Ministers were noise makers. It is unclear at this time what is responsible for the current delay.

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