Police arrest 128 Suspects for Electoral Offences

During the elections on Saturday, 23rd February 2019, a total of 128 suspects were arrested by the Nigeria Police across the country for various electoral offences. Police spokesperson, Mr. Frank Mba, said offences included homicide-related crimes, vote trading, ballot box snatching, impersonation, damage to property and breach of peace. Arms and ammunition including explosives were also recovered from some of the suspects. Mr. Mba said that a Special Election Investigation Team had been constituted by the Police to commence investigations of all security-related infractions during the elections to ensure all persons found culpable are brought to book in accordance with the law. He also assured the general public that the Police will ensue that adequate post-election security arrangement in the areas of responsibilities, with a special focus on Collation Centres and other vulnerable points to ensure that there is no breach of peace.”

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