Preliminary Statement on the Governorship and State Houses of Assembly Elections

Issued: 11:00am, Thursday, 16th March 2023

The Nigeria Civil Society Situation Room (Situation Room) has reconvened its Election Situation Room for the Governorship and State Houses of Assembly elections scheduled to hold on Saturday, 18th March 2023. The Governorship elections will be holding in 28 States while the State Assembly elections will hold in all 36 States. For this second leg of the 2023 general election, the Situation Room will deploy 2,340 election observers, with at least three election observers per Local Government Area in every State of the Federation excluding the Federal Capital Territory. This number includes 131 Persons with Disabilities. Situation Room will also rely on information from its partners and networks deploying election observers. On the election day, the Election Situation Room will be the main hub for receiving data and reports from the field, which will be analyzed and disseminated through press statements and reports.

The Situation Room’s observation and analysis of the conduct of Governorship and State Houses of Assembly elections will be guided by the Credibility Threshold for the 2023 General Election, which was produced and shared with election stakeholders, including the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), ahead of the elections. The Credibility Threshold document identified issues and factors that could cause the 2023 general election to fall below, remain within, or go beyond the standard established by previous elections. It also outlined expectations from stakeholders to mitigate issues that constitute key risks to the credibility of the general election. The Situation Room will further take into cognizance the contemporary electoral and security environment in assessing the polls.

Situation Room therefore notes the following:


Situation Room expects that INEC has taken lessons from the challenges experienced during the Presidential and National Assembly elections of 25th February 2023, and that the Commission has made adequate arrangements to forestall the recurrence of the gaps observed during the elections. Situation Room also expects that the glitches that led to the malfunctioning of the INEC Result Viewing Portal (IReV) have been resolved, and that the issues that occasioned the inability of the Commission to conduct elections in some polling units and late opening of polls in others have been addressed. In particular, the Situation Room calls on INEC to address the shortages in the number of ad hoc staff available for the elections, make adequate transportation arrangements, conduct additional training for the ad hoc staff, and promptly reconfigure and deploy the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS) and other materials required for the elections. Most importantly, ensure that it communicates in a timely manner to the public on any challenges or changes made to the electoral process.


Ahead of the elections, the security situation across the country appears tense, with reports of violence, kidnap and assassination in several States including Lagos, Rivers, Imo, Abia, Ebonyi, Enugu and Kano. As such, Situation Room reminds the Nigeria Police and other security agencies that they have a primary responsibility to guarantee the safety and security of election officials as well as other election stakeholders, including voters, polling agents, election observers, the media and service providers. Security agencies should take adequate measures to forestall the recurrence of acts of voter suppression, disruption of voting, and outright violence experienced in some places during the Presidential and National Assembly elections.

Furthermore, the Situation Room calls on the Nigeria Police and other security agencies to ensure that they are non-partisan, professional and will avoid any actions capable of being interpreted as acting in support of any political interest.


Circulation of smear campaigns and desperations have intensified in this election particularly on social media. The Situation Room specifically calls on political parties to conduct themselves in a peaceful manner and to discourage violence by their supporters. Parties are reminded that there is a need to respect and abide by the Peace Accord signed by them. Situation Room will be tracking violent incidents across the States. Perpetrators and masterminds will be called out for investigations and punitive measures in line with Section 92 (5-8) of the Electoral Act 2022.


The Situation Room notes that the current situation in the country has not been particularly positive, especially as citizens face severe hardship owing to, among other things, fuel and Naira scarcity and the disappointment with the conduct of the Presidential and National Assembly elections. The Situation Room however urges citizens to recognize this March 18, elections as very key; the positions being contested will determine to a large extent, grassroots development. Citizens should continue to show patriotism and patience by coming out to cast their votes, and by conducting themselves in a peaceful manner.


09032999919, 08021812999, 09095050505.


Social Media

Twitter/Instagram: @SituationRoomNg

Facebook: Situation Room Nigeria


Hashtag:  #SR2023Elections



Ene Obi
Convener, Nigeria Civil Society Situation Room

Asma’u Joda
Co-Convener, Nigeria Civil Society Situation Room

James Ugochukwu
Co-Convener, Nigeria Civil Society Situation Room

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