PWDs request for Amendment of the Electoral Act

Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) on the platform of ‘Access Nigeria: Disability Votes Matter campaign’ have called for the immediate amendment of Section 56(2) of the Electoral Act 2010 (as amended). The call was contained in the communique of the Fourth Edition of The Access Nigeria Quarterly Roundtable on Inclusive Elections in Nigeria held in Abuja. The forum is part of the campaigns to make Nigeria’s elections more accessible and inclusive for the country’s estimated 30 million PWDs. The communique underscored the importance of amending Section 56(2) of the Electoral Act, to make it mandatory for the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to provide PWDs with voting materials. The communique was signed by the Resident Electoral Commissioners (RECs) of Kogi and Bayelsa States, Prof. James Apam and Monday Tom; two National Commissioners of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), as well as heads of various organisations working with Persons with Disabilities (PWDs). The participants at the Roundtable also commended INEC for acting on the resolutions of the third edition of the stakeholders’ Roundtable. Some of the developments undertaken by the Commission include the construction of ramps in the Bayelsa State office of the Commission and training of election workers on the use of materials like the Braille ballot guide, Forms EC 30E PWD and EC 40H.

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