Shiites’ Protest Intensifies

On Wednesday, 24th April 2019, members of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN) popularly known as Shiites staged yet another protest at the National Assembly entrance, marking the birthday of their leader, Sheikh Ibrahim El-Zakzaky and demanding his release from detention. The protest took a new turn as members of the group forced their way into the National Assembly complex amid the presence of security personnel at the gate. Their rage was however quickly contained by some of their leaders, restraining them from gaining further entry into the Chambers of the National Assembly. Members of the group have often held peaceful protests for this cause and have experienced a number of altercations with security agents. It would seem now that the group may be losing faith in its approach as it appears that their demand is being ignored by the Government. An alternative approach may be undesirable, in light of prevailing insecurity across the country.

El-Zakzaky has been detained by the Federal Government since December 2015 and charged with culpable homicide, unlawful assembly and disruption of public peace. The Government has refused to comply with several Court orders granting him bail. His followers have been protesting and calling for his release since his detention. The principle of the rule of law seems to have been trampled upon by the continued detention of Sheik El-Zakzaky and his wife, who have also been in need of medical attention, which they have reportedly received following this protest. The IMN members have taken a further step by requesting the United Nations to urge President Muhammadu Buhari to release their leader. They made this request at the United Nations office in Abuja, where the protesters had marched to, on Thursday, 25th April 2019. The group also accused the Government of mass killings of some of its members.

Related to the unlawful continued detention of Sheikh Elzakzaky is that of a former National Security Adviser (NSA), Col. Sambo Dasuki, who has been detained by the Federal Government against Court orders. Dasuki’s trial is set to commence on 11th June 2019 at the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory. The former NSA is standing trial for charges bordering on misappropriation of public funds of up to N19.4 billion.


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