Statement by the Civil Society Election Situation Room regarding INEC’s Supplementary Elections in Anambra State

DSC_0407The Civil Society Election Situation Room notes INEC’s announcement of supplementary elections in areas where elections failed to hold elections or were cancelled and points out that INEC’s admission of these lapses represent an admission of the failings in the Anambra State Governorship elections identified in the Civil Society Election Situation Room’s statements issued throughout the elections.

These lapses put a question mark on INEC’s preparedness to conduct future elections. The Civil Society Election Situation Room is concerned that the problems and lapses identified in the Anambra State Governorship elections are systemic in nature, and may not be sufficiently addressed before the announced supplementary elections in the State. The Situation Room is further concerned that INEC may still be bedeviled by the range of identified problems, unless it acts with the decisiveness and honesty of purpose required at this time.

The Situation Room calls on INEC to outline what plans it has put in place to improve logistics so as to restore the waning voter confidence in the supplementary election in Anambra State.

The Situation Room also calls on INEC to publicly outline its strategies for improving on future elections including the planned Governorship elections in Ekiti and Osun states in 2014, as well as the general elections of 2015.

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