The Situation Room has a Convener, who is Dr Y.Z. Ya’u, the Executive Director of Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD); and also has two Co-Conveners – Mimidoo Achakpa, Executive Director of Women’s Rights to Education Programme (WREP) and Franklin Oloniju, Executive Director of Life and Peace Development Organization (LAPDO)
Membership of Situation Room cuts across a wide range of CSOs from the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria. Each member brings a particular asset to the Situation Room ranging from grassroots outreach/access, access to government, civic education, legislative advocacy, electoral reforms, social media and access to security structures/architecture.
Situation Room’s Secretariat is hosted by Policy and Legal Advocacy Centre (PLAC). The Secretariat provides programmatic and administrative support to the activities of the Situation Room.
Josemaria Escriva Foundation

The Josemaria Escriva Foundation is an organization dedicated to advancing the teachings, spirituality, and charitable initiatives inspired by Saint Josemaria Escriva, the founder of Opus Dei. The foundation’s primary mission revolves around promoting the values of integrity, personal holiness, and service to society, in line with Saint Josemaria Escriva’s teachings. Founded on the principles of Christian spirituality and social responsibility, the Josemaria Escriva Foundation aims to spread the message of love, compassion, and ethical living through various educational, charitable, and outreach programs. It seeks to inspire individuals to lead lives of virtue, fostering personal growth and contributing to the betterment of society. The foundation operates through a range of initiatives, including educational programs, seminars, publications, and social projects designed to promote moral and spiritual development. These initiatives aim to reach people from diverse backgrounds and empower them to lead lives of purpose, characterized by ethical values and a commitment to serving others.