The Situation Room has a Convener, who is Dr Y.Z. Ya’u, the Executive Director of Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD); and also has two Co-Conveners – Mimidoo Achakpa, Executive Director of Women’s Rights to Education Programme (WREP) and Franklin Oloniju, Executive Director of Life and Peace Development Organization (LAPDO)
Membership of Situation Room cuts across a wide range of CSOs from the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria. Each member brings a particular asset to the Situation Room ranging from grassroots outreach/access, access to government, civic education, legislative advocacy, electoral reforms, social media and access to security structures/architecture.
Situation Room’s Secretariat is hosted by Policy and Legal Advocacy Centre (PLAC). The Secretariat provides programmatic and administrative support to the activities of the Situation Room.
Rule of Law and Accountability Advocacy Centre (RULAAC)

The Rule of Law and Accountability Advocacy Centre (RULAAC) stands as a prominent non-profit organization committed to promoting the rule of law, accountability, and transparency in Nigeria. Founded with a vision to uphold democratic principles and strengthen institutions, RULAAC operates through various initiatives aimed at advancing legal reforms, advocating for good governance, and fostering a culture of accountability. At its core, RULAAC’s mission revolves around promoting the rule of law as a cornerstone of democracy and societal progress. The organization advocates for legal reforms that uphold human rights, strengthen institutions, and ensure equality and fairness in the administration of justice. One of RULAAC’s primary objectives is to promote accountability within public institutions. The organization actively engages in monitoring government activities, advocating for transparency, and holding public officials accountable for their actions. Through research, advocacy campaigns, and legal interventions, RULAAC works to ensure that public resources are utilized responsibly and that institutions operate within the confines of the law. Moreover, RULAAC focuses on promoting legal literacy and empowering citizens to understand their rights and responsibilities within the legal framework. The organization conducts educational programs, legal clinics, and outreach activities aimed at empowering individuals to access justice, challenge human rights violations, and navigate legal processes. RULAAC operates with a commitment to transparency, accountability, and integrity in all its activities. The organization ensures that its operations, including financial transactions and advocacy efforts, are transparently communicated to stakeholders, fostering trust and credibility.